Insurance Modifications If You Plan to Drive Less Often

Auto Insurance Modifications: Adapting to Reduced Driving

A reduction in your driving frequency or distance could require insurance modifications. Prepare your revised driving plan, then seek automotive insurance coverage that will provide sufficient protection.

Adjusting to a Reduced Schedule

There may be no need to maintain your current insurance coverage if you aren’t going to be driving as much as usual. There are many reasons why you may have decided to drive less. Switching jobs, moving to a new location, or being without a reliable form of transportation for the time being could affect the amount of automotive insurance coverage you need.

Preparing a Revised Plan

Prepare a revised driving plan. Your plan should include information about the vehicle that you will be driving. Record information about the make and model of your car. If you are driving the same vehicle that is already covered by your insurance policy, you won’t need to make many changes to the policy. You will need to report the fact that you won’t be driving as often or driving long distances as you once did.

Considering Additional Changes

Your driving pattern may not be the only thing that changes. You may decide to use your vehicle for a different reason than you originally did. For instance, you may own towing equipment that you used to use when operating your vehicle. If you no longer plan on using the towing equipment, the equipment will not need to be covered by your automotive insurance policy.

Making Insurance Modifications

Contact one of our agents at Patrick McNealis Insurance and Financial Group. The agent who provides you with assistance will modify your current automotive insurance policy. Provide the agent who serves Emmaus, PA with information about your proposed driving schedule.